Jazz Age…
Jazz is a musical style that grew and became popular in its time thanks to improvisation.
The 1920 decade is called Jazz Age because by that time Jazz became a big thing; arts where inspired by Jazz.
Scott Fitzgerald was the first one calling the 1920s the ‘Jazz Age’. The using of this term caused a huge exuberance.
1920 was a decade of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity in the United States.
Jazz age was a period that society changed a lot, the laws where disagreed and tax revenues where lost.- They started organizing criminal gangs, and the countries were involving a crime wave. Some states continued in a statewide prohibition, marking one pf the last stages of Progressive era.
Young people of the 1920s were influenced by jazz to rebel against the traditional culture of previous generations, a rebellion that went hand-in-hand with fads such as the bold fashion statements of the flappers and new radio concerts.

How is the Lost Generation related to the Jazz Age?
The Lost Generation refers to the generation of artists, writers, and intellectuals that came of age during the First World War (1914-1918). They were American people and most of them emigrated to Europe.
The generation was “lost” in the sense that its inherited values were no longer relevant in the postwar world and because of its spiritual alienation from a United States that, basking under Pres.
The unprecedented carnage and destruction of the war stripped this generation of their illusions about democracy, peace, and prosperity, and many expressed doubt and cynicism in their artistic endeavors.
The First World War had destroyed old perceived social conventions and new ones developed. The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution becomes official. Alcoholic beverages can no longer be made, sold, or transported in the United States.