My world’s name is ‘Properlyland’, the most correct land ever. For sure there are not boys and girls, there is only one sex and it is neutral so with this verybody is the same and there is not any type of discrimination like sexism in Earth. This type of people are known as ‘tinyguys’ because they look like a person but little, for example as an Earth girl but just forty inches tall. Those people look like a person from Earth but they have no stereotypes so you can not dress ‘as a girl’ or ‘as a boy’.

There are three big states in this world: ‘Preppyplease’ were everybody is so rich and educated as kings. Then we have ‘Politeandclean’ were nobody is dirty and they never throw garbage to the street. You can visit ‘Neverude’ where people are so kind and handsome. Even in this states people are this way it does not mean that in ‘Politeandclean’ people are not kind or handsome for example.

People have pets but there are just five animals in this world; dolphins, white tigers, penguins, hummingbirds, and swans. But as people those animals are so correct, elegant and never aggressive. There is a kind of god or king who is the most polite, clever and politically correct person in the world so it decides what is right or wrong. It solves the conflicts that happen to people or any other problems and it always does it right.

They just eat cocoputs, strawferries, pineayles and batermelons. They can cook them anyway you can imagine or eat them row but they are amazingly healthy and very good cookers.

Well, they do not have any kind of money or coins, so there are not social classes, how do they get things? They have a supply every month if the fruits that they should eat in that period of time and not more. Every type of activity is public so you do not have to pay for anything. Properly land is the type of world where we should get into exile.