On Tuesday at English class we had some kind of surprise exam. We had that for our teacher to know at what level of writing we are, so we had to write an essay. We made a letter for a supposed summer friend. I had a nine point five on it so I am happy about it. I am not a centrated person so I use to do lots of mistakes in that kind of exams. I miss in the spelling of words that I alredy knew just for not beeing concentrated. So, I am proud that I made just a few little mistakes and I tryied my best. You can read here my letter.

From: bertafer@institutviladomat.cat

To: alexteruel@institutviladomat.cat

Subject: My life

Hi Alex!

Wow, we have not talked for a long time. My course is going great. I feel like the time is running and we are soon meeting again. As I told you that I was going to, I am trying hard to improve my marks. Even in maths and arts. You told me you were good at maths, so we could do a videocall some day, like this you can help me.

My sister broke up just a few days ago with Jonathan. Well, she was sad about it, but I think it is better like this. They were always fighting. Do not worry for her, I think she is right about it now.

My mim told me to beg you for your father’s chocolate cookie recipe, I know it is a secret but you know she loves them. How is your mother? Is her broken arm fixed? I really wish she is ok again.

Please, write me back soon, I miss you. Kisses to all your family from mine.

Berta Fernández