Etiqueta: essay

Jazz… Jazz what? Jazz Age…?

Jazz Age… Jazz is a musical style that grew and became popular in its time thanks to improvisation.The 1920 decade is called Jazz Age because by that time…

The mysterious and amazing book

For the English class we had to do a writing about ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ so here is mine: Benjamin Button’s book review The original book…

Pandora myth VS Avatar movie

In English, we had worked about Avatar movie, we have learned about it, and then we had to do a reflexion about what kind of relation ship it…

How much energy I use today

We are on easter holidays and I wonder to know how much energy I use in one day. Just to start when I wake up I turn on…

Carta en anglès

On Tuesday at English class we had some kind of surprise exam. We had that for our teacher to know at what level of writing we are, so…

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