In my world, I would make it fantasy and futuristic, with dragons, elves, etc. There would be different kingdoms, one where technology has advanced a lot, another that is full of water, with habitants, another with stone men, one that was a floating island, another that has dogs, another that was Uganda and many more. It would make you have 2 suns, 4 moons, and his climate was standard. The relationship between animals with plants would be normal, the only it’s that some plants eat animals. The transport would be horses, unicorns, cars and submarines. There would be religions, like spaghetti man, the whale man, the king of stone, the big Deku tree, the Flurffles cat, Knuckles and the Arkangel. The most powerfull religion and with the most belivers was Knuckles. The bad thing is that some kingdoms and religions are in conflict, like the dogs vs the unicorns, or the stone man vs the humans, or the best longest conflict, the Ugandans vs all the world.