Biography about Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He was a mathematician and physicist and is one of the most famous and clever scientists in the 20th century. He developed the special and general theories of relativity. When he was young, he showed that he had a great mind for maths and physics. When he was five years old, his father bought him a compass. When he was 15, his family moved to Milan and there, he attended the Polytechnic Academy. In 1900 Einstein graduated with a degree in maths and physics. He had speech challenges and he developed a passion for classical music and playing the violin. He came up with the theories about light, matter, gravity, space and time.

Albert Einstein met Milena Maric and after the death of his father, he married Milena Maric in 1903. The same year, they had Lieserl, his daughter, but her ultimate fate was a mystery. The couple had two more sons, Hans and Eduard. Then the couple got divorced.

He immigrated to the U.S. after being targeted by the Nazis, because his family was Jewish. In 1933 he accepted a position at the Institute for Advanced Study.  At the same time in Germany the Nazis were gaining prominence with violence, they were led by Adolf Hitler. The nazis wanted the other scientists to look down on the Jewish people and they order that all (this)(these) people could not enter at the university and other oficial jobs. At that moment Einstein knew that he was targeted to be killed. Other scientist went to the U.S. because they were scared about the Nazis( threads).(threats)

Einstein became a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

Einstein made the development of atomic energy and(formulated or created)) the equation of E = MC2, which (was used to) (created)(create) atomic power and the atomic bomb, and which means that Energy equals the mass (of) times(x) the speed of the light squared. (and the amount of things that can be converted into energy’???). The most important thing is that he discovered the theory of relativity and (contributed with a) much more extensive research( for) (to) Issac Newton’s theories and (for)(achieved) a broader explanation of how the gravitational forces (worked)(work).

The first Nobel Prize of Albert Einstein was in 1921. He won the prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. During the selection process, the Nobel Committee for Physics decided that none of the candidatures of the year met the criteria described (in the)(by) Alfred Nobel. He received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1922.

In 1945 the World War ll ended, and 10 years after (1955) he died from a heart failure, but in 1999 the magazine TIME was named after Einstein, “Person of the century”. The legacy of Einstein was the Origin of the Universe, the Quantum gravity, and other things, but the most important is: the theory of the relativity and (E=MC2), his legacy was: he left the theory of relativity for the following generations, so that they would finish what he started.

In conclusion, he was one of the most important scientists of the history.( He created a lot of theories, for example: the atomic bomb, the theory of the relativity.) Erase what is inside the brackets