Albert Einstein was probably the person who had more awards in the world. He won a lot of awards and prizes like the Nobel Prize in Physics, a lot of Honorary Doctorates and some medals that we are going to talk about them later.
A Honorary Doctorate is when you do a good work and the universities recognize it. So, he did that good work and a lot of universities like from Geneva, Madrid, Manchester, Harvard or Oxford recognize it.
Finally, he had 10 Honorary Doctorates.
Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 at Stockholm, Sweden in especial for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. It is remarkable that Einstein has not been awarded the Nobel Prize for relativity theory.
Albert Einstein was awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society in London at a ceremony on Monday, November 30, 1925. As tradition has done, the highest award in society was delivered during its annual celebration.
Some weeks after Einstein had been awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society of London, he won another prize in England. This time, the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) also awarded him, in London, the highest prize, the Gold Medal
Finally, he got the Benjamin Franklin Medal at Philadelphia, USA. The Franklin Medal is a prize that it commemorates to the american politic Benjamin Franklin. The ceremony was at the Franklin Institute on the 15th May of 1935. This prize is the highest prize that give the Franklin Institute. This educational centre is one of the leading centers in the USA and in the whole world