We are on easter holidays and I wonder to know how much energy I use in one day. Just to start when I wake up I turn on the light of my bedroom that wastes electricity, I’m never in a bad mood when I wake up and for this reason the light does not annoy me.

Following, I turned on my mobile phone, it was not fully charged so I turned it to the switch. I need to have a hundred percent of battery when I leave because if I do not I’m not going to have enough and my mobile will die.

What I do first it is having my breakfast, I don’t use to eat the same every morning because I get tired of it. But one of my favorite breakfasts are toasts with butter. I toast the bread in the toaster which is also connected to the electricity. I do not like only milk flavour so I mix it with sugar and unsweetened cocoa powder. It’s so hard to mix it so I use a little electric blender which works with a battery that also works with electricity cumulated inside of it.

When I take a shower I’m using energy too because I turn a warmer on, which works with electricity, for my shower not to be cold. I dry my hair with the dryer and it is switched on so it is again electricity energy.

I use to spend my day out, going for a long walk, going anywhere with some friend or even visiting a museum or a beautiful park so I usually do not waste any energy apart from mine. When I go back home I like to watch some film on my chromebook which is charged by electricity. Or I go on reading articles that I’m interested on, just looking around web. I also help sometimes my fathers doing the drying or the dishwasher. And they bought work with electricity energy.

I just use electricity on my routine. I think I should reduce my waste of energy or start wasting renewable energy because it is finally the better one for the environment.