Etiqueta: redaction

Our ghost story

At English class we had to do a ghost story in groups. Every group member had to write a chapter. We made a story about a guy who…

Sweatshops; the crazy factories

Sweatshops are so cruel and unhealthy places. People and childrens who work there have extremely bad conditions. They have not any other option for surviving or getting food…

‘Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde’ theater play

For starting our activities week we went on an English theater, they played it on the Poliorama where other schools where waiting for the play to start. There…

Carta en anglès

On Tuesday at English class we had some kind of surprise exam. We had that for our teacher to know at what level of writing we are, so…

Looking For A Fictional World

In English class we had been studying Fictional Worlds and how to creat them, we had made our own fictional world, etc. There is a video that is…

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