In an English class, we did an Albert Einstein biography. All class groups did a part of the biography. I and my group made the part of Einstein’s awards.
This is my group biography part that finally was left:
Awards: Nobel prize…
During his life he won a lot of prizes. The most important one award he won, was The Nobel Prize in Physics, in 1921. Also he won Copley Medal, in 1925, Max Planck Medal, in 1929, Matteucci Medal, in 1921, Franklin Medal,in 1935, Royal Astronomical Society gold Medal, in 1926.
The Nobel Prize in Physics, 1921:
In November of 1922 the Nobel Prize in Physics of 1921, Albert Einstein won this award for his discoveries of the photoelectric effect.
The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons when light shines on a material.
To explain this effect, Albert Einstein, told that light transport herself in very little packets, this explanation contributed to the quantum physics development.
A lot of people didn’t believe him because it was a very strange theory in their age. Some scientists investigated and finally, Albert Einstein had the reason.
The Copley Medal, 1821:
The Copley Medal is a medal that Londres Royal Society conferense to the physic scientist of the year. Is a recognition of a scientific work for a good job in the physic science or biological science.
Albert Einstein won this prize also for his discoverment of the photoelectric effect.
Max Planck Medal, 1929:
In 1929, Albert Einstein won The Max Planck Medal for his most famous work, that says that any increases in energy cause a corresponding increase in mass.
Matteucci Medal, 1921:
This medal is granted from Italy National Academy of Science to people that contribute to in the physic science. Einstein won the Matteucci Medal for his discoverment.
Franklin Medal, 1935:
This award was created in 1914. It was an award granted to people that discover new things related to engineering. Albert Einstein won this award for his implications with the science.
Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal, 1926:
The Royal Astronomical Society gold Medal was awarded for special performance in the field of astronomy.