This year, the half of the classes of English, we did Global Scholars. And now, I’m going to do the end-of-year reflection.

Resultat d'imatges de TaipeiI learned a lot about the different cultures around the world. When we were talking with Taipei I learned what they eat, what they do in their free time and, my favorite thing, their most important historical event. I love it. There is a lot of differences between Barcelona and Taipei. There is the physical one, for example the eyes, or the historical ones, for example here in Spain, we had a Civil War, and Taipei not. And the technology one for example we have one chromebook fer each student, and they have one PC for each class.
Resultat d'imatges de food systemThis year, the topic of Global Scholars was the food and the food system. In this topic, I learned a lot of the food, for example that the energize liquids have a lot of sugar, and it is bad for our health.  My favorite food system is the Local food. Local food systems are networks of food production and consumption that aim to be geographically and economically accessible and direct.
In Global Scholars I enjoy it a lot using piktochart, a digital tool they are useful for create inphographics and charts.
In a future the food supply chain, will be a problem and our generation need to know all the things that is possible to fight that.