Doctor roleplay

In English class we had studied the doctor’s vocabulary, in groups we had to do a roleplay playing as one of us was the doctor and the other the patients. Like this we used the vocabulary we learned in the class and at the same time we improved our speaking. It was really funny of doing because I played by Mila and Esteve and we made a great team, we finally acted as Mila was the doctor and Esteve and I were her patients, but we were brothers and we had the same illness.

That was our script:

Mila – Good morning Brown brothers. How are you? It’s been a long time since you last came visit me.

Berta – Well, we are healthy people, but I think this flu is beyond us.

Esteve- Last week, we were doing our daily tasks but suddenly I felt a huge pain in my stomach.

Mila – Do you have any other symptoms?

Berta – Sure, since last week I have a horrible headache! Not dizziness, it is different. You too, right?

Two Weeks Later……..

In the waiting Room:

Berta- I am a little bit scared. I am not feeling better and maybe we can have some weird kind of incurable chronic disease?

Esteve- It is true, our mother pained a similar illness when we were just Kids. I remember that she died because of this injury and the doctor said that it was a genetic stuff.

Mila- Follow me to the the surgery reception, please.

(Esteve and Berta follow Mila)

Mila- I do not have good news, you are suffering colipositus parabulitis anal intern. It is a genetic illness that inhibit streightly in the colateral brain zone and that means you will lose your senses. This means that you will get blind, deaf, mute and I am afraid that you can even die in a not far future because you will lose the capacity to breath. I am sorry, brown brothers.

Berta- Oh that sounds so horrible, dear god is punishing us with our sins. We have to confess. Doctor, isn’t any medicine or way to treat our illness?

Esteve- Well, I do not know what to say I am so depressed with that bloody injury.

Mila- This injury is so unusual, there are just five more cases in the entire world, plussing you seven, so they have not researched for them and there are no treatment ways.

Berta- Oh faire, I’m dizzying, brother catch me I’m going to fall!

Esteve- Do not worry, we just have to accept it and survive to this horrible situation. We are going to get used to that thing!!!

Mila- I could offer you some observation proves to start a research. But this can be very expensive.

Berta- How much are we talking about? If the research can help us I will do whatever!

Mila- Thirty thousand pounds.

Esteve- I am going to sell my house and I will win the necessary money.

Berta- Ok, my dear brother.

Mila- Goodbye Brown brothers. I hope everything come out well.

Esteve and Berta : Goodbye Doctor Pink. .

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