.Global Scholars is an international organization that connects schools from different countries so they can learn more about other cultures and practice English with other peers. The participants do different activities realted to the environment and they communicate with eachother to share their projects and ideas.  Thanks to it I learned about a lot of different cultures and traditions. I also think that the projects we made can help us to take care of  the envoirment a little bit more. In this project I saw that life is not the same arround the world. For example: life in Paris is similar to life in Barcelona, but my city is so different from Taipei, where people eat completely different and our traditions aren’t the same at all.

One fact that I found Interesting  was that some food spoils during the journey to their costumers’ citties. I know that it is a logical issue and something we all somehow know, but I’m surprised there are places where people still let this happen.

I really enjoyed being in Global Scholars. One of my favourite activities were watching the videos because it was a fun way to see how people fluently talk in English. I think that what I have learned here will help me in the future to save food and to take a better look at what i consume.