A world where the geocentrism is the nowadays heliocentrism. Plateland, is a flat planet with two wormholes. One is below of the planet, called South Worm, and the other, that is named North Worm, is on the top. In this way, if any person falls down in plateland’s limits it goes until South Worm and it appears in the North Worm going back in the place in which it had fallen down. Equally, as the wormholes are so far away from the ground, the person who had fallen down would die because of the impact. For that reason, some smart engineers have invented transporters which can travel through the wormholes without any trouble. Besides, the political power is divided in three poles or reigns that each one of them has a tower to rule the people.

Therefore, Plateland is a calm place with a good democracy and without corruption. But, although everything seems amazing and wonderful, suddenly strange creatures that they are powerful flying cows come to Plateland and begins what would be the World War One in The Earth: The Cow Wars. Then, these stranger cows begins to fart everybody. The gas that they throw is Hydrofluoric Acid and this means that it eats through just about anything. So, with the almost endless cow army and with they farts, Plateland pass to be a beautiful land to a rotting land because of the Hydrofluoric Acid that makes the planet be a decomposition place. As the Planet is just to disappear, all the population go in the three huge rule tower that they become in the safe towers because this buildings will be (mathematical calculated) the last places to disappear. Apparently, the cows do not have any weakness but a guy, named Aniro, discover that the rats meat of the magical Platelands mountain, that is called The Niatnuom, can damage the cows. We can resume the main characters of this peculiar world in the Protagonist and the Antagonist. Aniro, is the main character of this story and he has some powers because a disgusting experiment from a crazy doctor called Tari. In this experiment, that happened a long time ago, the doctor put a magical Niatnuom rat’s seminal fluid inside her body and nine months later she gave birth to Aniro. So, he is a rat lycanthrope and for that reason he can fight against the flying cows. Invictus, is the antagonist because she is the queen of the cows army. She wants to destroy this planet because few years ago in one of her diary explorations she found out that in Plateland live some beings that one of their favourite food is the cow meat. After that, she chose to end with this race for save the poor cows that were living in this place.

Unfortunately, after a long battle between the cows and the rat meat, the only hope that currently people have is to pray to their true and hopeful god Esteve.