Etiqueta: English

Summary about Frankenstein book

The story begins with Captain Robert Walton probably near the end of the 18th century. He’s sailing to the North Pole and writing letters to his sister. In…

Pandora Vs Avatar

In Classical Mythology, Pandora was the wife from Prometheus’s brother called Epimetheus. Prometheus created the humans with his magical powers and with the objective to make the humans…


Chapter 1 Why if I am drinking a lot of water can often make me feel thirsty? That, that is the word, thirst. Thirst, is the feeling that…

The Wolf

Imagine that there is a group of wild goats. They live good, with a proper health and the most important thing, they are happy and their life is…

How much energy do I use?

Nowadays, the technology is in a constant evolution. For that reason, the energy use is not just changing but it is growing too. For example there is the…